Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

Happy New Year! A new year, a new beginning. The first thing that I need to do is tidy up my room! I really mean it.. I started with my wardrobe..Phew.. can't believe I have so many bags and clothes that I haven't used/wear; some are still in those shopping bags with price tags on! *faint.. I think I don't need to buy new clothes for Chinese New Year. Gosh..I have about 10kg of clothes that I can't wear anymore..I'll either throw it or give away....Hmm..maybe I should start to go on diet..LOL I haven't finish tidying up my wardrobe but go on with my drawers and shelves...I messed up the whole room instead.. I found so many stuffs that I haven't seen for ages like those small little purse, hair ornaments, key chains, erasers (which I use to collect when I'm young) etc. Although they took up some space but I decided to keep them. After all the tidying (yet to finish), around 5pm, I've forgotten about my lunch so I just have a sweet potato to keep me going but I ended up checking on the cds that I had and listening to the old songs..singing along and what else? Here I am..blogging..My mum came knocking my door and urge me to get ready for dinner. So....ok.. i better rush for my shower and off I go for dinner! Tata!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year =)

    My new year have nothing much to do besides eating =P
