Friday, August 20, 2010

Farewell to Newcastle and my friends


It was really sad for having to leave Newcastle again..
Although I miss home and my family back in Malaysia, I feel so miserable.
Time really passed so quickly..I'm done with my Masters and I am about to go back for good.
Looking back at the photos that I've took during my stay in the UK, I feel so fortunate to have this opportunity to study in the UK for the second time. I've learned and experienced different things and lessons in life that I have never imagined. I've made it through..found new inspiration and new faces and colours of life. I've visited places and I've done so many things that not many will have this kind of chance or time to do so. I thank my parents for that. I love them..and I love the UK too. I will always miss Newcastle and all the friends that I've made, people that I've met who directly or indirectly made an impact to my life and to who am I now.
Thank you all for what you have done and sincerely wish all of you well in your future undertakings. Hopefully one day we will meet again and have fun together! Till we meet again....