Mid autumn again! When we were young, this is the time when all the little ones gathered along and play with the lanterns and have a big feast! I remember burning the colourful paper lanterns which is now why they've created the batteries ones! HAHA. Lighting up dozens of candles and playing hide-n-seek in the garden area is fun with my cousins.. Well, things are different now. We have grown up with our own lifestyle and some had shifted to other places/countries. Those were the days to be missed and kept as childhood memory.

Right, since things had changed, we at home tried something different at home. First attempt in making mooncake..Yes! it's snow skin mooncake.
Ingredients - For the snow skin
115 Hong Kong Flour (steam for 15 mintues, leave to cool)
115 fried glutinous rice flour
210g icing sugar
1 tablespoon shortening
5 tablespoons cold water*
1 teaspoon banana essence
2 tablesspoons Hong Kong Flour
Fillings (we bought the read-made ones from a bakery shop :P
All you need to do is just to flatten the snow skin dough and wrap around the fillings; insert it into the mooncake mould. (Remember to put some rice flour on the mould so that the mooncake can be easily knocked/removed from the mould).
It's that easy!

Even my little niece knows how to do it! =)
Anyway, this was 1 yr ago..will try it out again if we've got the time this year round :)
At night we have a small gatherig together and the kids play lanterns....